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Announcements of the Bf3R

Here you will find current job advertisements as well as calls for proposals in the field of research funding and the Bf3R commission.



Das Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung

Animal Protection Research Prize 2025

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is committed to improving animal welfare both nationally and internationally. The well-being of laboratory animals is also an important concern for...

Job advertisement

The Bf3R is regularly looking for new motivated staff who are committed and keen to contribute to improving animal welfare in science. Current Bf3R job advertisements can be found under the following...

Bf3R Research Funding

The next call for applications for the Bf3R Research Funding will be in 2023.  You will find more information here in due course.  

External 3R Research Funding Programmes

Here we report on current calls for proposals for external research funding programmes in the field of alternative methods. The Bf3R makes every effort to ensure that this information is up-to-date,...

Bf3R Commission

The next call for applications for advising the Bf3R as a part of the Bf3R commission will be in 2024 for the appointment period 2026 – 2029. You will find more information here in due course. ...


Visitors' address
Diedersdorfer Weg 1
D - 12277 Berlin

Postal address
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10
D - 10589 Berlin



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