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RISK-HUNT3R - RISK assessment of chemicals integrating HUman centric Next generation Testing strategies promoting the 3Rs
Funding by: EU
Funding period: 2021 - 2026
Coordinator: Leiden University, The Netherlands
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EU information:
Aim: To develop human-relevant test methods as well as test strategies for the classification of chemicals, independent of the availability of additional animal test data. The focus is on the development of concepts and strategies for the investigation of i) specific target organ toxicity (STOT) after single and repeated (chronic) exposure; ii) developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) and iii) non-genotoxic carcinogenesis (NGTxC). For these complex, systemic, toxic effects in particular, there are neither sufficient methods nor concepts available to effectively reduce animal testing.
3R Relevance: Promote the transition to non-animal risk assessment of chemicals using human-centered testing and assessment strategies.